Please see below for information on Orby Sheet Metal Parts.

Information on other Orby parts is available by emailing

Description Part Number
50D Riveted Body Only FX-1001
50S Riveted Body Only FX-1002
50D Hopper Assembly FX-1003
Extension In-House FX-200
Extension Kit FX-201
50D Hopper Lid FX-166
50D Loft Hopper FX-202
50S Hopper Assembly FX-1004
Extension In House FX-203
Extension Kit FX-204
50S Hopper Lid FX-166
50S Loft Hopper FX-205
Tubing Box / Wall FX-206a
Box C/W Lid and Pipe Fittings FX-206b
Electronic Wall Box C/W Lid and Pipe Fittings FX-208
AMP Box C/W Lid and Pipe Fittings FX-208
Controller Box
1 Button FX-209
2 Button FX-210
3 Button FX-211
Standard Leg 772mm FX212
As Above 772mm Stainless Steel FX-213
Extension 842mm FX-214
Extension 912mm FX-215
Extension 982mm FX-216
Extension 1052mm FX-217
Extension 1500mm FX-218
As Above 1500mm Stainless Steel FX-219
4″ Splice Connector FX-220
50D Cylinder Complete FX-221
50S Cylinder Complete FX-222
50D Front Cover C/W Sticker FX-116
50S Front Cover C/W Sticker FX-168
50D Front Bumper FX-111
50S Front Bumper FX-170
50D Connector Box FX-223
50S Connector Box L.H / R.H FX-224
50S/50D Connector Box Square to Round FX-225
50D Mounting Bracket FX-226
50S Mounting Bracket FX-227
Finger Box Fx-107
Mid-Clamp Bracket, T-Bracket FX-228
Finger FX-149
Finger Spring FX-151
Galvanised Manger Panel FX-229
Galvanised Trough R.H/L.H FX-230
Front Trough Support (Long) FX-231
Rear Trough Support (Short) FX-232
Manger End Support FX-233
Galvanised Clamp C/W Clamp Plate FX-234


For further information and prices contact your regular agent or go direct to The Exact Group